


8263 - thinking forward
8173 - portland doesn't look the same
8113 - vacation briefing
8113 - vacation briefing
08-10-03 - Canada
883 - Be back soon
863 - sweating to the alc-ies
853 - eating well. no more microwave dinners and saturated fats.
843 - two can be as bad as one
833 - Nostalgia helps to preserve lessons from the past
823 - I've had plenty of very merry un-birthdays
813 - Another day older and deeper in debt
7313 - I hear what you're saying loud and clear, but I'm not listening anymore
7313 - teenagers with automatic weapons and boundless love
7303 - damned if I do, damned if I don't
7303 - Let old aquaintance be forgot?
7293 - This is not the change of scenery I had in mind
7283 - this is why I never visit my parents anymore
7273 - And the radioman laughs, becasue the radioman fucks a model too.
7263 - and the livin' is easy
7263 - "You're the coolest guy at the party. You cannot like math!!"
7243 - Dreaming of trees
7233 - mission accomplished/whole day failed
7233 - check off each item when completed
7223 - "The shape signaled pure disorder, since no point or pattern of points ever recurred. Yet it also signaled a new kind of order."
7223 - I should still get paid a product placement fee to wear it
7213 - Good Day sunshine
7213 - pour me another one
7183 - I don't know very many people
7173 - excersize caution before paranoia
7163 - Under The Milky Way Tonight
7123 - I love you, Shel Silverstein
713 - It works for me
6293 - knowing that I know nothing
6253 - from now on I'm telling people I was raised by wolves
6243 - I'm on to their plan

this             is   the hidden text.

                If I was really clever, I would put something amusing here for you to find.

                      But I'm really not that clever.

     so this is what you get.

            hey, Look at this shit
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Fucking Wow. If you think that's interesting, you haven't seen anything yet......
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