two can be as bad as one




I'm a solitary entity.

Many people are defined by the way they relate to those around them, but the only way I relate is that I don't. The set of terms which defines me is only found within my self.

The set of terms which defines those around me always leaves me outside of the circle. Any other outcome would require terms much too complex.

I'm lying in bed. I've been here for hours, wondering what it takes to get tired, wondering why I always travel, I always eat, I always sleep alone. To exist otherwise would change my defenition of who I am, but I want both. I want me and I want company.

What does it feel like to be a part of a dual entity? Is this what we call love?

I thought that I knew selflessness, but as it turns out, selfness is all I know.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
