this is why I never visit my parents anymore




I've learned that in my family, it can be dangerous to say things that you really mean. I hope that someday I will have the courage to transcend this rule, or the talent to not need to. Until then, I write heated responses to the right-wing trash my mother sends me, refraining from clicking the send button out of fear that doing so would only cause further problems in our seemingly-ordinary, but highly dysfunctional family. Instead, I post my response here:

I love you, and I mean no disrespect in what I say, but I must speak frankly about this most recent chain-letter. I'm asking you to please NEVER send me such offensive, racist, inflammatory propaganda again. If you desire a further explanation of why the arguments presented in this short ramble of words are false, I will provide one, but only if you so desire. Upon reading this trash, I did wish to reply directly to the author himself, rather than bother you with this letter, but it seems he is merely an annonymous chain- letter spammer. Instead, all I can do is ask that you please never forward any materials to me which I have no interest in reading. This is not an attempt on my part to ignore any opinions which are circulating in our society, as I am well aware of arguments being employed by the far-right today, and if I desired further exposure to them, I could turn on the Fox News channel or hate-radio.
My opinions have the ability to change through knowledge, but not fear, and certainly not though the irate feeling I experienced upon reading this. Therefore, this ignorant diatribe is of no use to me. I would appreciate it if I never found any similar reading in my inbox. Thank you for listening.

The original letter was about how our country is going to fuck because of unpatriotic liberals and immigrants, and atheists, and all sorts of other nonsense. It started off with a claim that a woman in florida was recently allowed to have her driver's license picture taken while wearing a veil. I confirmed that this was false, and sent my mother many links to news sources reporting on the actual story.

I'm sure that action alone will cause my mother to immediatley ask her church to pray that God will help me escape from the liberal clutches of Satan. Had I sent this letter, I imagine that it would have been an all night vigil.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
