Under The Milky Way Tonight




I finally did it. I used that damn free aol cd and hooked my computer up the internet. Now, I no longer have to trek down to the library to check my email, but I do have to have my visual cortex raped by the overly-pastel aol menu bars every time I sign on.

So, now I can update this weblog whenever I feel like it. I know, this is a most fortunate turn of events, is it not? Try to contain your excitement, please. I wouldn't want to be responsible for any accidents that may occur as a result of over-exuberance.

Okay, now that I've spewed my daily dose of bullshit, I'll get on to what's been happening in my life.

Last night, I ate a few mushrooms with an guy I know through my roommate. The night went something like this: We decide to walk to Fantasy Video to get some whip-its. I think this is a good idea, not because I wanted to do whip-its, but because I wanted to walk a long distance. On the way there, we pass by the Comcast building, and K declares that we MUST perform some sort of heinous act to strike a blow at this corporate behemoth. "Yes, let's do that," I said, staring at the moon, laughing at the idea of being able to concoct any kind of devious scheme in the state we were in. "And exactly what is it you had planned on doing?"

"Ummmm," K said, "I'll throw a javeline through the window."

"But where are you going to find a javeline?" L asked with conviction. He was unaware of the nature of the state we were in, and unaware of his own unawareness, having never done mushrooms himself.

"Right Here," said K, dashing for the gutter, and we all quickly turned toward him. I almost expected there to be a javeline in his hand when I turned around, but all I found was the laughing expression that accompanies the contemplation of such an absurdity actually occuring.

"But where are you going to find a window," was my own response to this situation, speaking not of the many windows that lined the sides of the targeted building, but the window of opportunity necessary to actually go through with the suggested act.

We journeyed onward to the porn store, where we found that they were out of whip-it balloons, and I found myself taking on the burden of calming my companions who had no idea how to deal with this sudden change of plans. The jizz-moppers were having a good laugh at all the commotion we were causing. My roommate, who wasn't even halucinating, was the most unsure of how to act. After a minute or two, K and L finally became convinced that we had to leave and reassess our options. I was more than a little bit embarassed.

Back at our apartment, the troubled twosome decided to try yet another porn shop to get whip-its, but this time they were going to drive. No thank you, I would have no automobile traveling on this evening, and I stayed behind to collect my thoughts. I got out a journal and began writing:

It's odd how certain outside stimulae can influence a persons train of thought. When I say outside stimulae, I mean things that were not already present, and when I say a person, I mean me....

This pencil* has a peculiar energy. It feels foreign, alien. I can hold it with both hands before me and gaze upon it, taking note that it is a common household object, but it still does not feel right. It says Pentel R.S.V.P., as if to remind me of a party I forgot to attend, leaving the host to believe I snubbed him by not announcing my absence ahead of time.

I have been fighting this pen.

I feel a revelation that wants to take hold of me, a world that will open up to me if only I will let it.

Revelation is not a single occurance, but a way of life. We have heard many times, "it is not the destination, but the path which is important." the same is true of this brand of enlightenment

At the last world, my penstroke drifted off the page, and as I heard K and L return, I wrote in the margin:

Two riders are approaching with the aim of a destination, not realizing the greatness of the path which they are taking.

I hadn't done halucinagens in quite a while before last night, and I decided that they can be very positive things when used correctly. K just wanted to get fucked up, and I had difficulties enjoying his company at times. L is emotionally unstable, and that's okay, but not when I'm on mushrooms. I prefer grounded, intelligent people when I'm halucinating.

*It was actually a pen

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