


9302 - Back to school
9292 - I'm ignored so often that I begin to think that nobody ever notices me.
9292 - Note to self: get over her
9292 - I always win the drinking games
9292 - sound is loud
9282 - Do you really think it would matter to them if they just skipped the first part?
9272 - oh God! /I thought I was done, but now I have to type out this title, I mean short description............. I think (I wanty to puke ,n;kzdv
9272 - abnormal psychology
9262 - Recombination, then viacom safeway
9252 - Fuck shit up for justice
9242 - You mess my head up like no other
9242 - Everybody knows she has the power to tear me apart
9232 - ever so paranoid
9232 - A rough draft for tomorrow's memories
9212 - Angelic, virginal voice
9202 - a marvel of organizational accomplishment
9192 - Sixteen ounces of calm
9172 - Blue-Grey-Blue
9152 - Aplication failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005) Click on OK to terminate the Application
9152 - No more late-night chili for me
9142 - Possibly going away for awhile
9132 - sensory deprivation
9122 - Three-string bass
9122 - Just a coincidence
9112 - Are you the gate keeper?
9102 - If you walked a mile in my shoes, you'd still have a long way to go.
992 - No juicy bits here
992 - Eternal Cheese Pizza
972 - fuck the police
932 - Don't give any explanation
922 - fuck, motherfucker, motherfucker, and motherfucker
912 - feeling Underground
912 - It's not me.
912 - Lush

this             is   the hidden text.

                If I was really clever, I would put something amusing here for you to find.

                      But I'm really not that clever.

     so this is what you get.

            hey, Look at this shit
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Fucking Wow. If you think that's interesting, you haven't seen anything yet......
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