No more late-night chili for me




I've been having strange dreams lately. The night before last was the hacker dream, which may turn out to have actually happened. The dream I had last night has been running through my head all day. I hope it's not prophetic too.

I'm at some sort of religous service. The room is a semicircle where the floor declines toward the alter at the center. Everybody is dressed in black, and a man near the alter is lighting a candle. Behind me, an asile cuts around the outside of the semicircle, through which comes a procession of people, also dressed in black. At the front is my father, beside him is George W Bush. They are carrying a coffin made out of plywood spraypainted black. Two men in black hoods help them carry it. I don't even think about my disapproval of W; I'm actually filled with pride that my father is standing there beside him. My dad talks to him, but I can't make out what he's saying. He looks like he's groveling. I've never seen him like this.

They exit the room into daylight, and I decide to follow them. A few other people come too, but most are paying close attention to the candle lghting. I follow the coffin to a building where it disappears into a large brick building. Bush quickly walks out and hops into a helicoptor. My dad comes out afterwards and I shake his hand.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
