



Ten thousand people marching in the streets, peacefully. We have a vision, and our presence is growing. We will not be quiet. We will reclaim our public space and use it to voice our disent against the tyrany which attempts to hijack the priniples we have been taught to uphold. We will raise our voices, for there is no one to speak for us but ourselves.

I see an old nemesis--one of those friendships that went wrong--"it's good to see you here," I tell him.

It really was. "You too," he agrees. Funny how the threat of war can make all those domestic hostilities seem trivial by comparison.

Afterwards, Reinna and I go get bagels. We decide to travel the continent in a car powered by biofuels next summer. We're gonna do it, spreading our message at the same time we're searching for answers.

Not much else happened today. I helped some people register to vote at the rally (I get course credit for it.) And I got a gift of new bass strings, so I've been playing all night.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
