While there are still hairs on my head




I recalled something today that happened in the haze that was last night. Or maybe it was a dream, or maybe it was a story that I heard somewhere, and related to so well that I remembered it as my own. I'm pretty sure, however, that this is how it happened:

Nic said to me "you know, you're probably one of those people that won't accomplish anything truly brilliant until after you're thirty, maybe even later, but when you do, it will be absolutely amazing." It seemed to come out of nowhere, and didn't really fit with the jocular mood of the evening, so I didn't fully process what he was saying.

All I could say in return was "No, I'll be bald by then. I don't want to wait until I'm bald to do anything with my life."

"Brian Eno was very bald long before he ever made it big." (I don't know if this is true or not, I don't follow Brian Eno.)

"Maybe so, but I'd rather not wait that long."

"Proove me wrong then."

That's how I remember it, anyway. Maybe it was a dream, but it sounds like something he would have said. It didn't come off as an insult at all, more of a challenge. Nic just finished his first real film (I starred in one of his student films, which he swears I did an excellent job in, although I'll never know, because I refuse to watch myself on screen), and he is absolutely determined to go places in life. I'm sure if his career continues to grow at the rate it has been, he will someday be forced to leave his friends behind; that's just how these things work.

So I guess what he was saying was "catch up," which is rather encouraging.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
