This summer should be about riding.




I want to start an eastside bicycle gang, but I want to build it out of new riders. I know so many people who have bikes that they don't use because they're broken, or that want a bike, but don't know where to get one. I've already fixed my neighbor's bike. Now, I should just one by one, find everybody else a bike to purchase, or fix the one they have, and then we can all be one big happy bike posse, drinking beer and riding all over.

I wouldn't be opposed to more experienced riders joining either. I just really want to ride in large groups all the time. This could possibly be one of those ideas that will never actually bear fruit, but it's still a nice idea to keep in mind.

I could always just go and join the monthly critical mass. I've never done that before.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
