with a quote from stereopathetic soul manure




Lately I've been spittin' out the things that I did not mean to say.
But that's alright, 'cause you don't listen to me anyway.


I've had an idea for a zine in mind. Basically, it would be a description of what it was like growing up in a community saturated with conservative organizations and military bases, with parents that force-fed me their religous dogma, and finding a way to move away from that without being reactionary.

Like many projects that I envision, I want to start it soon, but not now. I really ought to just sit down and start writing.

First, I need to go to the bike shop before they close. While I was tuning up my bike, I discovered that I need a new rear brake cable. It's been rubbing against something, causing it to tear, and now it's hanging on by just a tiny thread. If I hadn't been fiddling with my bike just for fun, I would have made this discovery in a very uncomfortable manner. Never underestimate the importance of frequent bicycle maintenance.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
