The Person's Republic of Tony




I've decided that I ought to formally declare myself a soveirgn nation without any property or borders. I, of course, will be the emperor of this new nation. I will reign over my kingdom with strength and grace.

Since there are no borders, there are no imigration police either. In fact, anybody can become a citezen of my nation at any time. However, I also resevre the right to revoke anyone's citizenship for any reason. I've also been considering the idea of only granting travel or work visas, and limiting citizenship strictly to native born people.

Much like the Dali Lhama and the Tibetean exiles, I will be the spiritual as well as political leader of this non-nation. The state religion will consist of ritualistic karaoke and ass-shaking. Our communion wine will actually be beer, and will flow loosely rather than be dosed out in single sips. I have received counsel that these rituals will in fact bring my followers great happiness.

Being as I am, an impovershed third world nation being exploited by American corporations for labor, I find it necessary to develop contacts with affinity groups who are symapthetic to my plight. Through these contacts I will build support for the exploited and oppressed person of my country. Eventually, I hope to be a viable world power with a strong economy whose citizens know freedom.

I learned from the civil war that it is technically illegal to secceed from the United States, but I'm hoping they won't mind seeing as how I'm not going to take any land with me. I'll even respect their laws as much as any diplomatic would when I am within their borders. Despite the fact that their current president is a warmongerer and an idiot, we should nonetheless have good relations. I'm expecting an invitation to join the U.N. any day now.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
