unexpected interaction




Zero is a number.

Silence is a sound, and it can be maddening. But it can be comforting too. Silence is a friend that iritates the hell out of you, and then provides soothing words at a moment you need it most and expect it least.

If silence is the absence of sound, then there is silence all around us. always. When the night is still and a crash comes out of nowhere, afterwards silence resumes. But, if one's environment is cluttered with sounds, and then yet another sound arrives (a train whistle, perhaps,) that sound brings with it the reminder that prior to it's presence, there was silence in that space it took up, despite the noise surrounding that space.

Right now, I'm listening to The Beta Band, and behind that is the whir of my computer's hard drive which has been sick ever since UPS damaged it during shipment. And behind that is silence, the zero, the placeholder. If I listen closely, I can hear where it is, where everything else isn't.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
