one, two, three, four, we don't want your oil war.




I'm back. I didn't get arrested, but came damn close when the police declared a state of emergency and started pushing us back with their batons. I was in the front of the line at that time, yelling at the cops that we were standing up for their rights, and we were paying their salaries. They didn't care to hear all of this, all they wanted to do was forn a line and push us back as quickly, and as forcefully as possible. The kid standing next to me got beaten down and arrested for moving too slow. they almost did the same to me. They gave me a good jab in my wrist, the bad one that just recently healed. It still stings.

I didn't know it at the time, but there was a guy from a local paper standing on the other side of me. He came up to me later, told me he was surprised that they didn't arrest me for being so beligerant. Then he took out a mic and wanted to interview me. I can't remember what I said, but I tell you, I didn't think I could give a speach like that. I don't know where it came from. I just opened my mouth and let it flow. It felt so awesome, and tomorrow, it might be in the paper.

There was so much more than just this. I'm tired I'm sore. My throat is still scratchy and has a slight sting of pepper spray. Oh yes, pepper spray, they were giving it to everybody today. Left and right, didn't matter why, just shoot some random people to scare the rest. And rubber bullets, yep, rubber bullets into the crowd. Our government is sick.

I heard one lady, 50 years old I would guess, say to her friend of the same age, "you get any pepper spray yet?" "Nope, not yet," her friend replied. "Awwww, fuck, me neither," said the first one. Hearing this gave me so much hope, knowing the lengths people will go to to resist tyrany.

Like I said, I'm exhausted. I'm giving you this information as fast as I can, because my body is screaming for rest. Most of the day, I've been screaming for peace, screaming that we stop this stupid endless war, screaming that we don't start any more oil wars, and screaming, just screaming. I think we were heard. I hope we were heard. There was only one media organization actually reporting on the events, and that was the Portland Tribune, all of the others choose to ignore these kinds of things, as most corporate media does. (did you know that 100,000 people marched on Washington in April to protest U.S. support of Israel? Most people don't.) Anyway, we made our statement, and it gave us hope. There's a hard fight ahead of us, but each and every one of us has the power to help in the stuggle.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
