My job sucks, but there are a few perks.




A few days ago, I sat down on the MAX, opened up my book, and found a new bookmark I hadn't seen before. It was a piece of a napkin from my place of work, and it read:

From the girls drinking hot chocolate... You are a very sexy man!
Below that were two names and two numbers. I placed the bookmark with my others and continued reading Nausea.

I often read when it's slow at work, but when I have to attend to my waiter duties, I leave my book at the counter. That must have been when they made their move. I have to give them credit for the slyness of their operation, but I'm not going to call them.

What would I say to such people??? What could I possibly have to talk to them about? "So, you like hot chocolate. Well, that's great. I think I want to fuck you now." All in all, I think it's kind of pathetic. They looked like alright girls, kinda late twenties indierockers. I didn't wait on them, so I don't know anything about them, but I still don't understand why they would be compelled to do such a thing. I mean, I'm not that hot...

Okay, I just went and took a look in the mirror. I'm kinda hot, but in a skinny-boy five-o'clock shadow sort of way.

I just thought of something, what if these girls were really hot, like rocknroll miniskirt pierced-lip hot? That would be even worse, because then I'd have all the frustrations of wondering who would leave such a note, and I would be tempted to actually call them. No, I will never call any girls that slip their numbers into my book while I'm not looking and then giggle from a distance without even providing me the pleasure of a face-to-face introduction.

But mostly, I'm not really looking.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
