Left hand, working good!




My cast is no more. As of a little more than an hour ago, my left hand is free again. It's still stiff, and everything I touch is either really cold, or really hot, but I think that's normal.

I had to wait in the casting room for half an hour before they came in and removed it. While I was waiting to get an x-ray, I removed a few layers of dead skin. The x-ray came back quick, and I popped it onto the light while I was waiting for the doctor to come in. I compared the new pictures to the old, and checked my wrist for mobility and pain. My diagnosis was that my cast days were over. I returned the x-rays to my file, and put it back in it's place to wait for the doctor.

When he got in, he put them onto the light, and compared the new pictures to the old. He then checked my wrist for pain and mobility, and diagnosed that I would no longer need a cast. Next, they tried to sell me a temporary brace similar to the one that they took from me the day of my first visit there, the same day I had to remind my doctor that it was my scaphoid bone that I broke. He responded with "oh yeah, the little one."

This is what insurance pays for? He might as well have told me to rub snake oil on it. It's useless; I'm never going to a doctor again. The whole medical profession relies on the idea of extorting money from those in pain. I can't believe I ever wanted to be a doctor when I was young.

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