his name is my name too




Once again, I'm typing to you drunk. (16 oz. of vodka and a few beers) I'm still trying to peel this body latex off of myself. I drew the lucky number which gave me the pleasure of having it painted on myself. Then, everybody was supposed to peel it off after it dried, but I was feeling sensitive and they were feeling timid, so I did most of the peeling myself.

Katie seemed to enjoy watching me with my shirt off. Everybody told me that she would be the most willing to help me with the latex experiment. I think they were testing my drunkenness. we don't like each other that much.

I enjoy being the source of entertainment for drunk people. I went by many names tonight: God, Cramer, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (la la la la la lala.) The god name came from a headline I cut out of newsweek and glued to my chest that read "I am God." I tried to explain that it was a joke, but everybody began refering to me as the almighty, so I just went with it.

I love me when I'm drunk. I'm so vain

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
