good day




Today a new friend of mine made fun of me for being too antisocial. She continued to give me shit until I agreed to spend the day hanging out with her. So, I met her in Pioneeer square with her friend and roommate, a shifty-eyed anarchist who is currently engaged to be married to her other roommate. We got a bite to eat and then went to meet their other firend, who got us drunk. We then went to Division street to meet his other friends, and got more drunk. After we were sufficiently drunk, our new friends went and decided to introduce themselves to their neighbors, who got us really stoned and had us listen to some beats they made. It was good. Everybody I met today was very cool.

I then had to bicycle forty bocks home. I swerved, and did not crash. I should not bike when I'm not sober, because I might get caught. I'm now still very stoned and making weird techno music with fruity loops.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
