current status: not dead




Pablo, my roommate, is not dead. He missed his flight, so he had to wait two days for another one. Then, his flight today was delayed and he did not arrive until this evening. As for the frantic messages on the answering machine, that was just his mother being dramatic.

That's a relief. I would not have enjoyed sharing an apartment with a dead person. Actually, as the day grew longer, I started to regret joking about him being dead, and started to consider it as a distinct possibility. But, when I got out of my class tonight, the door was already open and the lights were on. phew.... I guess he realized I had grown sick of him checking in every time he was going to be late, and decided not to call at all. next time, I won't worry. I know if I disapeared for a week or more without telling anybody, it would only be because I was having a really good time, and not because I was dead.

We had dinner at the Goose Hollow Inn to celebrate a late new year. The horseradish is murder on my esophogas. Imagine swallowing one of those aliens that pops out of people's stomaches in aliens. Now, imagine if that alien was coated in battery acid. Now, imagine if that alien coated in battery acid was on fire. Then, wash it all down with some beer. That's about what it feels like. Other than the seering stomache pain, the food is awesome.

For lunch, Lauren invited me to eat with her. I suggested Taco Del Mar, (that's taco of the mar for those of you who do not habla el espanol) and she whipped out a stack of those punch cards that they give you to get free burritos, all of which had ten punches in them, but no initials. We forged a few TSs, LDs, and whatever other combination of letters came out of our pens, dated them two months previous, and received our free burritos.

I like Lauren. She's a good friend. Pablo says I should hook up with her, but i don't think he knows what he's talking about. I talk about anything with Lauren, she's my go to girl if I need a hug or just want somebody to enjoy the sunshine with. Sometimes, I talk about other girls around her. I wonder if that bothers her? I doubt it, I really don't think she thinks of me that way. Besides, until recently, I couldn't even think about her in a sexual way. I can tell she has a very sexual side to her, but she's such a tomboy that I never see it. I guess I should be attracted to her. She's not like a guy friend to me, and she's not like a sister. She's more like... a lesbian friend. Yeah, she's like one of my lesbian friends that I like to cuddle with.

That doesn't sound right. I'm worried that I'm offending her, even though she does like to fuck girls. Then again, there is a certain interaction that I have lesbians that isn't there with other girls. There's the ease of knowing that 1) there will never be any sexual tension, and 2) the ease of knowing that there will never be any agressive male competition between us. Then again, I guess there already is sexual tension if I'm having this conversation with myself. So much for that theory.

On an unrelated note, I feel that if people are going to read this crap, that they deserve to be entertained, so I'll end with something I said to a girl in my philosophy class today:

I want to start an organization of solipsists.... just for the sheer irony of it.

well, it was funny at the time. you just had to have been there.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
