the blue pill or the red pill??




The drug report.

a report on the substances tony is taking, either by prescription or choice, by tony.

Larazapam: This biodiazopine works in small doses. 1 mg of this stuff is evivalent to 10 mg of Valium. It's used to treat anxiety, and holy fuck, I've got plenty of that. Some people also like to take this drug just for fun. I would like to say that this stuff really does a number on me, but it doesn't seem to last for more than half an hour, and then my anxiety is back in full-force. I will have to recommend that my doctor increase my dosage.

Celexa: I've taken two doses of this anti-depresant (seratonin uptake inhibiter) now. It's supposed to take effect after I've been taking it regularily for about 4 weeks, but every time I take one, I feel happier in about 30 minutes. I'll test it out, and see how it works long term. There might be a possibility of ejaculatory dysfuntion (6%). I'll also let you know how that works out.

Beer: Pabst Blue Ribbon, you've never done me wrong. PBR, you my only friend.

Marijuana: unmmmmmm.... uh. cool. yeah. ha ha. yeah. cool.

Cocaine: Where are you? I give you my everything, then you turn around and leave me when I need you most. I never meant to hurt you baby. Just please, give me a little bit more of your loving. Oh baby, please, at least let me say goodbye.

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