I'm the twista-fuckin-master, it's true.




I walked down to the lobby and there were some kids who I would stereotype as being frat boys/sorority girls playing twister. They were friendly and asked me if I wanted to play.

"Oooooh!!! I'm the twister CHAMP!" I boasted.

Three games later, I'm still undefeated.

They said they were going to practice, and when they got real good, they'd come and beat me at my game.

"I come from a long line of twister champs," I said. "My name is at stake here."

Today I learned that not all the people I stereotype as "frat boys" or "sorority girls" are assholes. I still, however, hold fast to my stereotypical belief that they are all morons.

If you ever want to have a mass twister competition at my place, I have four boards. Who's with me?

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
