I get by with a little help from my friends




I talk with a psychologist at my school every week. I don't really know why I continue to go back. I have friends that will always listen to me talk about whatever problems that I'm having, and I usually don't have to schedule appointments with them. On the other hand, it's amazing how effective it is to be able to just say what's on my mind, even when the person I'm talking to is completely ineffective. Here are some excerpts from various sessions:

Me: So I guess that's why I've been so tense lately.
Psychologist: Well, that would make anybody tense, but it could be worse.
Me: Uh, yeah, I guess things could always be worse, I guess.
Psychologist: For example, you could have killed yourself over it.
(awkward silence)
Me: Yeah, that would be bad.
(more awkward silence)

Me: (just finished explaining bizarre dream that had nothing to do with my family)
Psychologist: So do you think this has anything to do with your parents breaking up?
Me: ummmm.... no, because my parents are still together.
Psychologist: Really?
Me: Yes.
Psychologist: I wonder what could have given me that idea.
Me: I have no idea.
Psychologist: Are you sure they're not thinking about breaking up?
Me: I hadn't thought about it until you mentioned it.
Psychologist: So you're not worrying about them breaking up?
Me: No.
Psychologist: Hmmm... maybe I 'm worried about my parents breaking up?
Me: What makes you think that they will?
Psychologist: Actually, I'm sure that they won't. My mom's dead, you see.
Me: I'm sorry to hear that.
Psychologist: Yes, she was a good woman.
Me: So, do you want to talk about it?

Then there's the classic split-second diagnosis from our first meeting, "What you need to do is listen to some Tom Petty. Wouldn't that make you feel better?" I actually tried listening to Tom Petty to see if it would affect me at all. I think that visit destroyed whatever enjoyment I could find in Tom Petty.

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