Freestyle typing




Nothing is and nothing says and nothing does and nothing will. This is my life, and I�m typing it one letter at a time. I don�t know what you do with me, with these words, or if you just click, and whoosh. Somewhere else, or if they�re here for you to love or if or if. I went to my place where my mind just says, and my thoughts form as easy as falling. I wanted to say to you nothing at all, and nothing at all is what we have. I wanted this to be this to be. Never a dull moment, unless you�re talking about boredom. I don�t expect too much of me. My room where I stay, and my thoughts are just knocking and my chair is just rocking�deena, deena. An experiment, a plagiarism. Just want type therapy. Just wanted to say just wanted to say. I�ve watched these plants struggle endless months, and old branches die where the new ones form. It�s all so unconnected in the master plan. All the pieces fit together by chaos. Infinite levels, and forever details, no way to know it all, just accept it. Feel comfortable in ignorance and buy a pickup truck and a dog named Mabus, or search your whole life for the answers that aren�t there, and end up accomplishing nothing. The questions are there to subject you. Nothing is going to bring you enlightenment. All there is in the end is dust, just enjoy it all why it�s here, but you don�t need the truck, or the dog for that, you don�t need the cell phone, or the frequent flyer miles. You don�t need the beaches of Spain, and you don�t need MTV. Maybe what you need is a swift kick in the head, and maybe what you need is a good fuck, but regardless; what you don�t need is Sony and Microsoft and IKEA and McDonalds. What you don�t need is churches to tell you when to think, or schools that tell you how to. What you don�t need is words to ease your mind into a calmer place, but sometimes we enjoy these things.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
