something's developing




It's hot today. It's too hot to be inside, and outside there are bugs ready to eat me alive. It's hot enough to buy a slurpee and not think twice about the fructose-saturated corn syrup crap that is contained within a slurpee. I did just that, and it's still hot.

I spent a few hours in the darkroom today. I have two 8x10s that I would like to frame. Someday, I'll get a scanner and actually show my photographs here instead of just mentioning them.

I need to find a way to start making money as a photographer, but I don't know how seriously I would be taken, or how seriously I would take myself, using a 35mm camera. I guess I'll figure that out later. As for now, it's still just taking pictures and making prints, and trying to figure out what should go into a portfolio. Everything else will just have to fall into place.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
