Self-criticism at it's finest. (Entry #62)




Welcome to diaryreviewersesismists.

I'm your host, Phillip Hedinmass.

Today we are reviewing lostwithzeal's 62nd entry, a unique concept that wasn't able to present all that it promised. The diarist started off with the idea of the entry being a review of itself as a sort of parody to those who punch out self-deprecating rants that include the phrase "this entry sucks." The idea, however, barely got off the ground, and like so many of his previous entries, leaves you wishing that he had taken the time to smooth out his ideas into something more coherent and pleasing to read. At points he even breaks the flow of his already stumbling prose in order to insert a random remark that caused me, the reader to wonder whether he was in his right mind when he wrote it. Which reminds me, I'm going to California soon, and I can't wait to get drunk with my family.

The most appalling part of this piece, however, is his shameless embrace of his own sense of irony. He could have laid the idea down subtly, and let the reader enjoy it. But instead, he chooses to pound this point into the audiences' senses, suggesting he either thinks they are fools, or he does not possess the tact for such a composition.

Overall, it is evident that the writer thinks too highly of his abilities, and isn't able to hide it well behind this thin veil of criticism.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
