update: my job still sucks most of the time




My shift tonight started out terribly in the form of a drag-queen who decided that leaving a napkin containing her/his number and a foul note was an adequate substitute for leaving a tip. I'm not a homophobic person, and I don't mind guys hitting on me at work, because usually when they do it, it's accompanied by a very large tip. In this case, however, I was so offended that I directed a rather loud "fuck you" at no one in particular as I read the note in the middle of the restraunt. I couldn't tell if he did it because he thought I was gay, or if he thought he was that convincing of a she. After the napkin was a crumpled piece of trash below scraps of food, I had half a notion to dig it up, call the number, and tell him off for not tipping, but I decided that would be far too extreme. Although I'm usually all for being an asshole toward non-tippers, I thought it unwise to start static with a drag-queen, lest things could get even more embarassing.

The night did get better. A table that heard the "fuck you" I reflexifly let out left me 20% plus pages torn out from a notebook about guided meditation. Then, after that an incredibly hot Asian girl told me I looked like Paul McCartney. "Don't take it the wrong way," her mother said, "she loves Paul McCartney." Paul is far from my favorite Beatle, but it was still nice to hear it.

Also, some guy attempting to dine and dash started a fight with my manager, but ended up getting tackled, restrained, and then arrested. This has never happened before. I was waiting for somebody to ask what the comotion was about, so I could say "Oh, he didn't tip," but nobody asked.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
