This is how I write when I'm about to bleed from my ears.




I love Portland. I love to just wander around downtown, finding little things to fill up my day. Today being Saturday, I didn't feel any obligation to do anything productive.

I can't keep this cheerful train of thought. Ever since I got in, there's been an ear drum-piercing high beeping coming from somewhere outside and far away. It has an irregular rhythm that keeps on tricking you into thinking it has stopped, so you only listen harder to make sure, then it comes back and splits your skull in half. Now I know how dogs feel about those whistles.

I went to Powell's again today (world's largest bookstore!) and read through books, but didn't buy. I'm going to Eugene soon, so I should get ready to leave.

{A} {E} {I} {O} {U} & {Y}
